At Least 67 Billionaires Made Six-Figure Donations To Committees Supporting Joe Biden In Last 3 Months

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  • Source: Forbes
  • 10/19/2020
Billionaires can’t seem to resist opening their wallets for the guy once dubbed “the poorest man in Congress.” Between July and September at least 67 billionaires and their spouses made contributions of more than $100,000 to committees supporting Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, according to records filed with the Federal Election Commission Thursday.

Those contributions added nearly $20 million to two joint fundraising committees, the Biden Victory Fund and the Biden Action Fund, groups that allow Biden to solicit donations far above the $5,600 contribution limit.  

Among the largest donors were Haim Saban and his wife, Cheryl. Together, the Democratic power couple gave a combined $1.5 million. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings and his wife, Patty Quillin, teamed up to give $1.4 million. Other big benefactors includedIllinois governor J.B. Pritzker and his wife ($1.4 million), Netscape cofounder James Clark and his wife ($1.2 million) and New York real estate heiress Amy Goldman Fowlerand her husband ($1.1 million).  
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