Biden’s Secretary of State Nominee Previously Appeared on Sesame Street to Promote Refugee Immigration

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  • Source: Summit News
  • 11/24/2020
Joe Biden’s secretary of state nominee Antony Blinken, who is currently receiving lavish praise from the media for being the quintessential “internationalist,” previously appeared on Sesame Street to promote refugee immigration to America.

Blinken is being hailed by some legacy media outlets as something akin to the second coming.

The Guardian gushes over him being a “born internationalist” who will utilize his “urbane bilingual charm” to “soothe the frayed nerves of western allies.”

Blinken is basically a dyed in the wool globalist, having previously described Brexit as “a total mess” and pushed for even greater intervention in Syria, a policy that put weapons in the hands of jihadists and aided the rise of ISIS, which in turn caused the migrant crisis and exacerbated global terrorism. He also supported the disastrous 2003 invasion of Iraq.
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