Big Corporate Yanks Funds From Republicans While Funding Democrats Who Abused Due Process In Kavanaugh Hearings

As The Federalist has continued to expose, corporate America has a double standard for its PAC donations based on arbitrary and partisan distinctions.

Since virtue-signaling multinational corporations claim to be so intent on rescinding campaign contribution dollars to the GOP to retaliate against members of Congress who did not vote to certify the 2020 presidential election, this presents a reciprocal question. Where were the suits when Democrats ignored due process in the 2018 Justice Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings?

The partiality was insane in 2018. Democrat members of Congress ignored any semblance of constitutional processes and expressed that Kavanaugh was a rapist before any evidence could be examined. The “Me Too” movement worked its way up to the highest levels of government and the left decided upon the justice’s guilt even prior to the hearings. Christine Blasey Ford’s unsubstantiated and debunkedaccusations became their rallying cry.
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