Cathy McMorris Rodgers Exposes Twitter’s Double Standards In Tech Hearing

Republican Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington highlighted Twitter’s double-standards on censorship Thursday during a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing on big tech.

“I am extremely concerned when platforms apply inconsistent content moderating policies for their own purposes whether as an excuse to take responsibility for failing to enforce content standards fairly, or by altering speech to settle scores with political or competitive opponents,” McMorris Rodgers said. “There’s no clearer example of a platform using its power for political purposes, then Twitter singling out President Trump, while also leaving blatant threats of violence by activist Democratic candidates and authoritarian foreign leaders untouched.”

The social media company began censoring President Donald Trump in May, first related to a pair of posts raising valid concerns over mail-in voting as misleading information. The company flagged another tweet just two days later when the president threatened to deploy the National Guard to quell the uprising of militant anarchists terrorizing the nation’s cities in the immediate aftermath of George Floyd’s death as “glorifying violence.”
Twitter townhall by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0)
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