Democrats Are Sacrificing American Kids’ Lives To Get More Power

One year ago, when lockdowns began, Americans were told we had to make a terrible choice akin to the climax of the superhero movies in which a villain threatens two things the hero loves, forcing him to choose which to save and which to sacrifice. We were told that millions of Americans were going to die from a Chinese supervirus, and the only way to reduce that death toll from inflating even higher through overloaded hospital systems was to accept other kinds of suffering. Americans thus readily agreed to “two weeks to slow the spread.”

As cases steadily rose over those two weeks, as predicted and normal with infection curves, we were told those two weeks needed to stretch into four, then six. Then the alleged Sophie’s choice shifted.

As data began to come in showing that the majority of those dangerously threatened by COVID-19 were in their last years and months of life, the equation turned into selflessly sacrificing the young and healthy to protect the old and vulnerable. People who showed any resistance to perpetual lockdowns and civil rights infringements against the healthy were told they were “grandma killers” and racist would-be “mass murderers.”
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