Democrats Call Trump ‘A Buoy’ To GOP Wins Across States While Claiming He Lost The Presidency

On a Democrat House caucus conference call Thursday, a lawmaker cried as Democrats dissected their unexpected setbacks from the Tuesday night election results. Democrats have sustained “historic” losses at all levels of government, conflicting with their post-election public narrative of a likely Joe Biden presidential win and potential Senate control amid contested vote counts and fraud allegations.

“It’s clear that [President Donald] Trump isn’t an anchor for the Republican legislative candidates. He’s a buoy,” a Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee spokeswoman told Politico Wednesday. “He overperformed media expectations, Democratic and Republican expectations, and lifted legislative candidates with him.”

The state-level outcome of the 2020 elections Tuesday shattered Democrat expectations of an inevitable blue wave and casts doubt on their claims that Trump has likely lost the presidency. It also sets Republicans up for better chances in future presidential and congressional contests by giving them the chance to control the redistricting that results from this year’s census.
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