Did Biden Really Forsake The Left? Not By A Long Shot

In the wake of Tuesday night’s exhausting 96-minute match, President Donald Trump reiterated his attack that Vice President Joe Biden had betrayed the radical left.

Why? Trump’s reasons were numerous, including Biden’s difficult-t0-believe insistence he’s in command of his party (“I am the Democratic Party” — “Not according to [Kamala] Harris…”), his claim to have subdued the left-wing of the party (“I beat Bernie Sanders” — “Not by much…”), his assertion there is no agreement stemming from the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force’s Recommendations (“There is no manifesto” — “You just lost the left…”), and, finally, his temporary disavowing of the Green New Deal.

Vice presidential candidate Harris has, of course, claimed the administration as her own. And Biden and Sen. Sanders’ campaigns did indeed agree to a compromise agenda touted on the campaign’s website — the same site that professes the candidate’s support for the Green New Deal.
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