Exclusive: Devin Nunes Warns Americans to Wake Up in ‘Countdown to Socialism’ Book

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  • Source: Breitbart
  • 09/09/2020
Rep. Devin Nunes, a Republican congressman from California who found himself at the center of partisan attacks over the last four years for exposing Democrat corruption, is warning the American people before the election in a new book.

Titled Countdown to Socialism, Nunes warns Americans that if Trump is not reelected, America will go down a dark path of socialism, led by social media companies and the Democrat-aligned mainstream media establishment.

Nunes said in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News on Tuesday, “Either we’re going to get this figured out, people are going to wake up before this election, or Republicans are going to get railroaded out of the town. That’s why it’s called Countdown to Socialism.”
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