Facebook Bans Letting Voters Know Democrats Put Boys In Girls’ Sports

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  • Source: The Federalist
  • 09/29/2020
The left is scared of female athletes, and they should be. That’s the only explanation for why Facebook decided to censor an ad explaining how the Equality Act would destroy women’s sports.

American Principles Project PAC, an organization dedicated to campaigning on pro-family social issues, recently began a $4 million ad campaign dedicated to exposing candidates Gary Peters’s and Joe Biden’s support for policies that would allow biological males to compete in women’s sports and push children into dangerous sex-change surgeries or treatments. One ad focused on the politicians’ support of the Equality Act, a key push from Democrats that would forbid any disparate treatment based on biological sex and make it illegal to keep men out of women’s sports teams.

Last week, however, Facebook abruptly censored the ad. After outcry from left-wing groups, including Media Matters, GLAAD, and others labeling the ad “hate speech,” Facebook decided to censor it using a brand-new category it had just created: “missing context.” It said the ad was misleading and must be removed.
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