Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody Orders Investigation Into Mike Bloomberg’s Felon Voting Bribery Scheme

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody has ordered an investigation into what appears to be a bribery voting scheme organized by Democrat oligarch Mike Bloomberg. Moody ordered the investigation after Governor Ron DeSantis requested it, following Congressman Matt Gaetz in questioning the legality of his felon voting scheme.

Bloomberg is personally paying off the outstanding fines of black and Hispanic felons in order to restore their voting rights in Florida before the November election. Florida prevents felons with outstanding fines from voting, and those responsible for criminal acts are nominally supposed to pay the fines incurred from their crimes- not an out-of-state billionaire.

Bloomberg is also nakedly racially discriminating in his felon voting scheme, reserving the fine repayment for black and Hispanic felons, only.
Michael Bloomberg by Gage Skidmore is licensed under Flickr Creative Commons: (CC BY-SA 2.0)
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