Gwinnett County, Georgia, officials explain what happened regarding the 'software glitch' that delayed counting of thousands of absentee ballots

  • by:
  • Source: The Blaze
  • 11/10/2020
An election night nightmare scenario is finally over in Gwinnett County, Georgia, a suburban part of Atlanta where several tech problems last week caused a delay in ballot-counting in the middle of a contentious election. Nearly a week after the election, all of the votes, 416,458 to be precise, have been counted and the county results of the election have been certified.

Biden holds a mere 12,000-vote lead over Trump in Georgia, so when reports emerged that a "software glitch" in Gwinnett County prevented up to "80,000 absentee ballots" from being counted on the night of the election, voters nationwide were understandably concerned about the integrity of the process.

TheBlaze reached out to Gwinnett County for clarification on what happened, and county communications director Joe Sorenson explained the initial problems last Tuesday were caused by the machines that scan absentee ballots. 
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