Here’s How The Media Is Describing Violence In Philadelphia

Philadelphia police shot and killed Walter Wallace, Jr, on Monday and violence, riots and looting erupted in the city within hours, numerous sources reported.

Much of the media has been reluctant to use terminology that would indicate rioting rather than protests with heightened tension, despite what has appeared to unfold in Philadelphia.

At least one police vehicle was set on fire and destroyed and more than 30 people were arrested for charges including looting, rioting and assaulting officers. Police in Philadelphia said that 30 officers were injured during the riots, dozens were hit with rocks and other projectiles, and a 56-year-old female officer was hit by a pickup truck and hospitalized, USA Today reported. Steve Keeley of Fox29 reported that 11 people were shot while looting, and “looters were shooting looters.”
The Day Miami Burned by Mike Shaheen is licensed under Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
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