Horowitz: New studies show robust immunity among health care workers from COVID reinfection six months after infection

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  • Source: The Blaze
  • 01/08/2021
Nearly a year into this virus, it has become clear that, after up to a third of the people in this country already contracted it, according to some estimates, there is nothing we can do to stop it through non-pharmaceutical interventions.

Yet, while the government and media continue to push the vaccine (and masks, of course) with religious fervor, they act as if natural infection itself confers little or no immunity. In reality, as with any virus, it likely confers more immunity than a vaccine.

A new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine by U.K. scientists tracked antibody levels of 12,541 health care workers in Oxford University hospitals for six months. A total of 1,265 tested positive for antibodies at some point during the study period, of which 68% recall having had symptoms associated with SARS-CoV-2. They specifically observed the period of the second wave of infection to see if health care workers, who are disproportionately exposed to the virus relative to other people, would be re-infected.
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