Infrastructure investment will create jobs now and help rebuild the middle class for decades

The last year has been undeniably challenging for communities across the United States, leaving families and businesses reeling from an unprecedented one-two punch of health and economic hardships. Add to that the recent widespread power and drinking water failures that affected millions of people in the midst of extreme winter weather, and it is clear why a transformative investment in infrastructure should be a top priority for members of Congress, both Republicans and Democrats, in the months ahead.

Not only will enacting an ambitious infrastructure plan help keep people safe from the type of dangerous systemic breakdowns we have seen across the country, it will also help rebuild, grow, and strengthen our country’s middle class for years to come. As more people get vaccinated and we plot a path to post-pandemic prosperity, investing in our nation’s critical infrastructure will create the incentives needed to get people back to work now, and it will equip our economy for long-term economic growth and dominance on the world stage.

While serving in Baton Rouge and in Washington, I was proud to champion conservative, pro-growth policies focused on middle-class priorities. That means getting the government out of the way by lowering taxes and reining in excessive regulation that holds hardworking people back while making wise investments to give our nation and its people the tools to succeed.
capital by Ted Eytan is licensed under Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0
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