Joe Biden Sets ‘Dark Money’ Record, Raises $145 Million From Outside Groups

Despite Democrats’ objections to “dark money” — money raised from outside groups that collect it from anonymous donors so that it cannot be traced back — President Joe Biden raised a record amount of “dark money” during the 2020 presidential campaign, according to a Tuesday report from Bloomberg.

“Biden raked in about $145 million in donations from anonymous donors to outside groups backing him, far outstripping the $28.4 million spent on behalf of his rival, former President Donald Trump,” Fox News added. “It also tops the previous record of $113 million in dark money donations spent on behalf of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in 2012.”

“Priorities USA Action Fund, one of the most prominent Democratic super PACs supporting Biden, used $26 million in funds originally donated to its nonprofit arm, called Priorities USA, to back the then-candidate, according to Bloomberg. The donors of that money do not need to be disclosed,” the outlet added.
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