‘Make Room For New Voices’: Obama Scolds Democrats For Not Giving Ocasio-Cortez Longer Speech At Convention

Former president Barack Obama chastised the Democratic party for failing to give New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez enough speaking time at the DNC in an interview uploaded Tuesday.

“One thing I will say about the Democratic Party, promoting young people is really important. We stick so long with the same old folks and don’t make room for new voices,” Obama told Snapchat’s “Good Luck America.”

“The fact that AOC only got, what? Three minutes or five minutes? When she speaks to a broad section of young people who are interested in what she has to say, even if they don’t agree with everything she says,” he continued. “New blood is always good. And I say that as somebody who used to be the young, shiny cool guy. But now is the gray-haired old grizzled vet.”
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