PBS Principal Counsel Lays Out Violent Radical Agenda; Says Americans Are ‘F*cking Dumb’ … ‘Go to White House & Throw Molotovs’ … ‘Put [Children] into Re-Education Camps…Watch PBS All Day’ … ‘COVID Spiking in Red States…[Red State Voters] Are Sick & Dying’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Jan. 12, 2021] Project Veritas released a new video today exposing Michael Beller, Principal Counsel for The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), for his statements defending violent attacks on the White House, re-education for the children of Trump supporters and praising the deaths of red state voters as a result of COVID-19.

In a conversation with a Veritas journalist, Beller explained his violent intentions:

Michael Beller: “In these times, which are unique -- I mean Trump -- Trump is close to Hitler.”
Journalist: “What are you going to do if we [Democrats] don’t win?”
Beller: “Go to the White House and throw Molotov cocktails.”
Beller said that the children of Trump supporters were being raised to be horrible people, and that a solution would be sending those children to re-education camps.
“They’ll [Trump supporters] be raising a generation of intolerant, horrible people – horrible kids,” Beller said.
“We go for all the Republican voters and Homeland Security will take their children away…we’ll put them into the re-education camps,” he said.
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