Pentagon shake-up to help cement Trump's legacy, bringing troops home and taking out enemies, White House source says

The recent shake-up at the Pentagon will help President Trump fulfill his foreign policy agenda, including taking out terrorist enemies and bringing troops home from Afghanistan, according to a senior White House official who spoke with the Washington Examiner about Trump-allied national security officials taking over key positions at the Defense Department.

“There is no new mission directive — nothing has changed,” the White House official with knowledge of the happenings at the Pentagon said this week, dismissing speculation that there was some sort of ulterior agenda at play, instead saying that the goal at the Pentagon was to fulfill Trump’s longtime promises to kill bad guys, free American hostages held overseas, and wind down U.S. combat troop levels around the world, especially in Afghanistan.

“He wants to bring the troops home. He wants to end the wars.”

If successful, Trump's last few weeks as commander in chief could result in some legacy-building on the foreign policy front, even as he continues to dispute his loss to President-elect Joe Biden.
Howitzer Sling Load by U.S. Army photo by Maj. William Carraway is licensed under flickr Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic
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