State Dept Refuses to Explain Iran Envoy’s Talks with China

The State Department is refusing to provide details or even confirm statements by the Chinese government indicating the U.S.-Iran envoy Robert Malley recently spoke to Communist Party officials about the Biden administration’s efforts to reenter the 2015 nuclear accord.

Chinese vice foreign minister Ma Zhaoxu "had a phone conversation with U.S. Special Envoy for Iran Robert Malley at the latter's request, and the two sides had an in-depth exchange of views on the Iranian nuclear issue," China’s foreign ministry announced late last week.

When asked to confirm the press release and provide further details about Malley’s conversations, the State Department ignored multiple Washington Free Beacon emails before stating on Sunday, "Special Envoy Rob Malley is in the early stages of engaging Members of Congress, allies, partners, and others." The State Department would not provide any details when pressed to specifically address the talks with China. Normally, the State Department provides reporters with readouts of conversations held by senior U.S. diplomats with their counterparts, particularly if those talks are held at the request of the United States.
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