
Trump’s New China Policy Earns Praise From Tibet And Fury From Communists
President Trump has signed into law a series of measures creating sanctions for Chinese Communist Party officials assaulting religious rights in Tibet, as well as blocking all new Chinese consulates in the United States until the ancient state is allowed an American consulate. Read More.
California Supreme Court rules thousands of sex offenders in the state are eligible for early parole
The California Supreme ruled Monday that thousands of inmates convicted of nonviolent sex crimes are eligible for early release, the Associated Press reported. Read More.
Trump Administration Rule Poised to Take a Stand Against Financial Censorship
Free expression makes America great. Unfortunately, many of our corporations don’t respect this concept. Read More.
Over three quarters in new poll support mandatory photo ID to vote in person
Majorities in every surveyed demographic feel that way. Read More.
Georgia judge, Stacey Abrams' sister, rules against voter purge before Senate runoffs
Judge Leslie Abrams Gardner, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama, said she found no reason to recuse herself from the case. Read More.
Warnock church camper opens up about camp abuse
Counselors tossed urine on a 12-year-old boy and forced him to sleep outside at the summer camp run by Rev. Raphael Warnock, the former camper, now an adult, alleged in an interview.  Read More.
Report: Travel Insurers Likely To Make Vaccination A Requirement
Yet another sector of the travel industry has signalled that it could mandate vaccination against coronavirus to provide services to travellers, according to a report that notes insurers may demand to see proof of vaccination before covering those wishing to go on holiday. Read More.
GOP rep sues Vice President Pence to have presidential election overturned
A Republican lawmaker in the House of Representatives is suing the vice president of the United States in a last-ditch effort to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election — a move that is highly improbable to succeed. Read More.
Gabbard earns pro-life praise for bills to shield babies feeling pain, protect abortion survivors
'I'm really proud of Tulsi for being so brave and bringing this legislation to the forefront,' said Alison Centofante, director of external affairs for Live Action Read More.
Health Experts Need To Get Out Of The Society Manipulation Business
Without political leaders and health officials they can trust, the American people will end up deciding for themselves what risks they're willing to take. Read More.
DEVELOPING: FBI Briefs McCarthy on Swalwell’s Relationship with Chinese Spy and Honeypot Fang Fang
The FBI is currently briefing GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Speaker Pelosi on Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell’s relationship with Chinse spy Fang Fang. Read More.
Dems Water Down China Provisions in Defense Bill
House Democrats stripped down an anti-China bill that unanimously passed in the Senate by removing language reining in Chinese government influence on U.S. campuses. Read More.
NY Times forced to retract award-winning podcast about supposed ex-ISIS fighter after most of it is found to be fake
The New York Times was forced to retract an award-winning podcast about a supposed ex-ISIS fighter on Friday after an internal review determined much of the story was fabricated. Read More.
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