
Chuck Schumer Endorses Biden’s Plan To Force Public Schools To Allow Males In Female Bathrooms
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer supports former Vice President Joe Biden’s plans to force schools receiving federal funding to accommodate students’ who want to use bathrooms, locker rooms, and play sports with students of the opposite biological sex. Read More.
Warnock Keeps Graduate Thesis Under Wraps at Library
Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock has declined to authorize the release of his divinity school graduate thesis, which is under wraps at the Union Theological Seminary library due to copyright restrictions. Read More.
'Wake up! Stand up! This is America!': Restaurant owner interrupts news broadcast, urges resistance to COVID-19 state 'tyranny'
Dave Morris saw the news camera and reporter in front of his Michigan restaurant Wednesday and apparently decided he wasn't going to wait to be interviewed. Read More.
Consulting Firm Founded By Biden’s Secretary Of State Pick Just Scrubbed Its Website Of All Business Ties To Communist China
WestExec, a consulting firm co-founded in 2017 by Joe Biden’s pick for secretary of state, Antony Blinken, scrubbed one of its services offering U.S. research universities the opportunity to garner funds from foreign donors, such as those in China. Read More.
Project Veritas tapes reveal CNN chief Zucker calling shots for anti-Trump network's coverage, setting companywide political agenda
Leaked audiotapes of CNN's 9 a.m. editorial calls published by Project Veritas reveal CNN President Jeff Zucker and other top executives and reporters at the network say in private what their coverage suggests: CNN's editorial viewpoint is anti-Trump and directed from the top down by Zucker.  Read More.
‘Make Room For New Voices’: Obama Scolds Democrats For Not Giving Ocasio-Cortez Longer Speech At Convention
Former president Barack Obama chastised the Democratic party for failing to give New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez enough speaking time at the DNC in an interview uploaded Tuesday. Read More.
LA County official votes to ban outdoor dining at restaurants over COVID-19 — then dines outdoors just hours later
A Los Angeles County supervisor voted to ban outdoor dining at restaurants over COVID-19 concerns — and then just hours later dined outside a Santa Monica eatery, KTTV-TV reported. Read More.
San Jose Mayor Attended Thanksgiving Party After Telling Citizens To ‘Cancel Big Gatherings This Year’
The mayor of San Jose, California attended a Thanksgiving party with family members who were not part of his own household after telling citizens to “cancel big gatherings this year.” Read More.
Rahm Emanuel emerges as thorny candidate for Biden transportation post
Rahm Emanuel, the former Chicago mayor, Illinois congressman and Obama White House chief of staff, is being strongly considered to run Joe Biden’s Department of Transportation, according to reports. Read More.
Iowan Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks Wins Recount in 2nd District – 14th Pick-up for GOP on Trump Coattails — More Proof of Biden Fraud
This weekend we reported that Republican David Valadao defeated incumbent Democratic Rep. TJ Cox in California’s 21st Congressional District, as was reported by the Associated Press. Read More.
Ex-astronaut Mark Kelly to take Senate seat Wednesday, cutting GOP majority to 52
Former astronaut Mark Kelly will take his seat in the Senate on Wednesday, replacing Republican Sen. Martha McSally, who he narrowly defeated on Nov. 3 in the Arizona Senate race. Read More.
Despite exploding violence, budget cuts will likely pull state troopers, local cops out of New Orlean’s French Quarter
NEW ORLEANS, LA – Deep budget cuts have targeted law enforcement amid a violent crime increase, so Louisiana state troopers usually assigned to the city’s French Quarter are pulling out. Read More.
Why Is Big Media Hiding That Illinois Has Far More COVID Cases Than Florida? Because Illinois Has A Democrat In Charge And Tighter Lockdowns
COVID-19 cases in the United States are growing, but the media is selectively covering the states with the highest numbers. Read More.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo accuses the Supreme Court of politicizing COVID-19 after it struck down his house of worship regulations
In a display of rich irony, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) accused the Supreme Court of playing politics with the novel coronavirus after it struck down his regulations that purported to severely limit the size of worship services in certain areas of the state. Read More.
Donald Trump: ‘Facts Are on Our Side’ in Election Fight, but ‘Time Isn’t’
President Donald Trump admitted to reporters Thursday that though facts are on his side in the legal fight over the results of the election, time is not. Read More.
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