
Russia recalls its US ambassador; Putin throws 2 insults back at Biden after Biden calls him a ‘killer’
Russia announced late Wednesday that it was withdrawing its ambassador to the U.S. effective Saturday for “consultations” after U.S. President Joe Biden publicly attacked and threatened Russian President Vladimir Putin. Read More.
VACCINE PRISON CAMP: LA schools to track students using Microsoft’s “Daily Pass” tracking app
Los Angeles schools are set to require every child to use a COVID-tracking app to be scanned daily before they enter classrooms when schools reopen next month. Read More.
Biden reportedly restricting what Border Patrol agents can tell media amid border crisis​
The Biden administration is restricting what Border Patrol agents are allowed to share with members of the media amid the ongoing immigration crisis at the souther border, NBC News reported Wednesday. Read More.
Soros-Backed DA Cut Plea Deals With Violent Criminals Represented by Campaign Donors
Philadelphia district attorney Larry Krasner cut favorable plea deals with violent criminals represented by the progressive's campaign donors, city financial records show. Read More.
Democrats Plot To Kill Filibuster Because They Only Care About Power
A rising number of Democratic legislators are evaluating potentially abolishing or changing the filibuster so they can force their agenda through the Senate without formal protest from Republicans. Read More.
McConnell threatens 'scorched-earth' Senate if Democrats end filibuster
Republican leaders have long warned Democrats against ending the 60-vote threshold to pass legislation in the Senate. Read More.
Alexander Vindman Proposes Suing Conservative Media to ‘Deradicalize’ It
Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman (Ret.), a key figure in the first impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, published an op-ed Monday at the Lawfare blog in which he proposed suing conservative media outlets to make them less “radicalized.” Read More.
California bill would fine department stores $1,000 for separating toys by gender
Democrat lawmakers in California are considering a bill (AB 2826) that would penalize department stores and large retailers that separate their children’s merchandise, including toys and clothing, by gender. Read More.
McCarthy, GOP lawmakers visiting US-Mexico border amid immigration crisis
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy will lead a delegation of Republican lawmakers on a tour of the US-Mexico border on Monday, turning up the heat on President Biden to act on the growing humanitarian crisis. Read More.
Sheriff warned by US investigators after flying Trump flag on patrol boat
A sheriff in New York received a warning after a federal investigation into a complaint that his department flew a Trump flag from a government-owned boat in August. Read More.
Exclusive — Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks: Democrats Are Trying to Disenfranchise 400,000 Iowa Voters by Challenging My Certified Election Win
Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA) told Breitbart News on Sunday how Rita Hart, her defeated Democrat opponent in November’s election for Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District, is attempting to overturn the election results and disenfranchise Iowa’s voters. Read More.
Democrats Are Sacrificing American Kids’ Lives To Get More Power
One year ago, when lockdowns began, Americans were told we had to make a terrible choice akin to the climax of the superhero movies in which a villain threatens two things the hero loves, forcing him to choose which to save and which to sacrifice. Read More.
Infrastructure investment will create jobs now and help rebuild the middle class for decades
The last year has been undeniably challenging for communities across the United States, leaving families and businesses reeling from an unprecedented one-two punch of health and economic hardships. Read More.
EXCLUSIVE: Biden DHS Performs Another Covert Tour of Texas Border Sector
Law enforcement sources report another high-level visit to the southwest border from a senior Biden Administration official under a shroud of “need to know.” Read More.
Air Force war game simulation with China ends terribly
A United States Air Force war game exercise resulted in a resounding Chinese victory and an invasion of Taiwan. Read More.
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